We are not historians, but we are serious lovers of Roman history, the kind that look at the world and somehow tie everything back to Rome (like the old Kevin Bacon game, but for us everything on planet earth can somehow be linked back to Rome with 7 degrees of separation or less). We read copious books and magazines, watch any movie with a hint of Ancient Rome in it, we travel to see fragments of temples and walls and fortresses, we day dream, play video games (shout out to Rome Total War), and we write books of historical fiction on the subject, having just finished a series of historical fiction on the Roman Emperor Heraclius and previously on the Roman General Belisarius, all of which are available on Amazon.com. We come from a long line of Rome-aphiles, and are proud to carry on the tradition that borders on an addiction that we know is shared by so many of you. And last, but not least, we are father and son, super excited to embark on this adventure together.
Welcome to the Lost Roman Heroes podcast! Join us on our journey, diving deep into the history of Rome, uncovering Rome’s lost Roman heroes along the way, and ranking them! @lostromanheroes